Über uns

Insure To Study ist Teil der Alpina-Gruppe. In unserem Büro in Den Haag, Niederlande, setzen sich unsere engagierten Mitarbeiter jeden Tag dafür ein, unseren Firmen- und Privatkunden eine optimale Beratung zu bieten.

Gruppe Menschen Brillen formelle Kleidung
Insure To Study student insurances

Die Abteilung Insure To Study besteht aus verschiedenen Experten, die über mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet internationaler Studentenversicherungen, Antragsverfahren, internationaler Schadensabwicklung und internationaler Ausschreibungen für Bildungsprogramme verfügen.

Außerdem verfügen wir über spezifische Kenntnisse von Gesetzen und Verordnungen zum Krankenversicherungsgesetz und nehmen an verschiedenen internationalen Messen teil. Wir stellen internationalen Studenten und Bildungseinrichtungen regelmäßig Informationen zur Verfügung, damit wir wissen, was auf dem Markt vor sich geht.

Insure To Study ist Partner von ASR Schadeverzekeringen NV, Anker Travel Insurance, SOS International und HollandZorg. Für weitere Informationen nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf!

Complaints procedure

We constantly pay great attention to the quality of our services and do our utmost to provide you with the best possible service. However, it is possible that you are not completely satisfied. If so, we would like to hear about it because we always take complaints about our services very seriously!

Complaint notification

If you have a complaint, please email it to [email protected].


Within 7 working days of receipt of your complaint, we will confirm to you in writing that this complaint has been received.

Complaint file

A special complaint file is created for each complaint. If the complaint concerns persons working under our responsibility, we will inform the data subjects of the complaint received and ask them for their comments. A written summary is made of the response of the parties involved and added to the complaint file after signature by the parties involved.

Professional liability insurance

If the complaint could lead to liability, our professional liability insurer will be informed immediately. All further steps in the handling of the complaint then take place after consultation with the professional liability insurer.


If the assessment of your complaint is not possible due to missing information, you will be informed of this within 10 working days of receipt of your complaint. You will receive a motivation of our position within 1 month. Preferably, an attempt is made to reach a personal meeting. If you do not appreciate this, you will be informed in writing of our opinion. If the term of 1 month cannot be achieved, you will be informed about this.
If you believe that we have not responded adequately to your complaint or if you would like to submit your complaint to an official complaints institute after handling, you can contact the Financial Services Complaints Institute (KiFiD) within three months. Do you not want to use the services of KiFiD? Then you can also submit your complaint to the competent court.


Stichting Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening (KiFiD)

PO Box 93257
2509 AG The Hague
Tel: 0900 - 355 22 48
[email protected]

Our number with Kifid is 300.003518.